1 Getting Love Right EMEA

Announcing: New Monthly Online Retreat Series BUILDING ON SOLID ROCK

Our Blessed Mother is calling you to spread the Flame of Love of her Immaculate Heart to drive out evil by the effect of grace!

Announcing “Building on Solid Rock” – a Monthly online Flame of Love Retreat series hosted by John Sullivan, Assistant International Coordinator of the Flame of Love Movement. The first of the four part series begins on Saturday 12th November 2022 at 1PM to 3PM and will be hosted LIVE on the USA YouTube Channel, Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary United States.

This 4-part, monthly online series will be a deep dive into the prayers and practices of the Flame of Love in light of the gospel, the scriptures, and the teachings of the Church to help you spread the Flame of Love to your family, friends, neighbours, and priests.

MARY: “My Flame of Love will blind Satan to the same extent that all of you spread it around the world.”

Attendance is free but registration is required to receive the participation materials.  To register, email your interest to info@flameoflove.ie

We will email you the participation materials before each event. 

We pray that we see many of you there as we delve more deeply into our Lady’s Flame of Love. You May download the IRISH PDF Here if you would like to share this invitation with others.

MARY“Put immediately into action the outpouring of graces of my Flame of Love. To your group, I give a wonderful strength to all and to each one in particular. Your responsibility is great but your work will not be in vain. There must not be a single soul missing in this common effort. The soft light of my Flame of Love will light up, spreading fire over the entire surface of the earth. Satan, humiliated and reduced to powerlessness, will not be able to exercise his power. However, do not seek to prolong these birth pangs.”

(November 27, 1963)


The FIRST All-Ireland Conference and LAUNCH of the Flame of Love Movement Ireland

The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Movement ‘officially launched’ at our first All-Ireland Conference on 7 May 2022 in Newry, N. Ireland.

This was the first time that devotees who had been praying together during COVID lockdowns throughout the preceding year were able to meet face-to-face after Paul Ogelsby first introduced Virtual Cenacles to Ireland (with help from the USA and Canadian Movements and John Sullivan III, The International Director of Communication and Dissemination – who many may recognise from The Flame of Love training videos).

The Conference was organised by a small volunteer working group and John Sullivan – who travelled to Ireland from his home in the USA fir this official launch. The first National Director, Kielty Oberlin, and the whole leadership team was announced at the Conference in Newry. (Geraldine Halton, Secretary; Joe Sheehan, Treasurer; Frances Devaney, Spokesperson and Eileen Boden, Spokesperson). Others who were part of the working group included; Marie B Kelly, Dymphna Largey and Alice Gibson.

Since that time, the working group has continued to heed Our Lady’s call to spread her Flame far and wide. We are in the process of establishing the Flame of Love Movement as an Irish Charity and coordinating more efficient communication with all who are interested in learning more about the Flame of Love (this website is one of these methods). We are also making sure to build a database of all interested in hearing about latest developments (Including: our upcoming Formation Retreats, Thursday Global Reparation Hours, introducing New Cenacles through email, social media and a newsletter). Please fill out our contact form so that you are sure to hear about what is happening within the Flame of Love Movement in Ireland and beyond! Please let us know if you have begun an in-person Flame of Love Prayer Cenacle (or would like to) and we are grateful to help.