During this month of November, we want to remind Flame of Love Devotees and those new to the Flame of Love Movement about Our Blessed Mother’s promise to Elizabeth Kindelmann for the souls of the faithful who are in Purgatory.
The Blessed Mother said to Elizabeth: “Whenever My Flame of Love is invoked and three Hail Mary’s are recited in My honor, a soul is released from Purgatory. During November, the month of the deceased, ten souls will be released from Purgatory for each Hail Mary recited. Suffering souls must also feel the effect of grace of the Flame of Love of My maternal Heart.” (13 October 1962)
“My Flame of Love which from My Heart I wish to spread on you in an increasingly large measure also extends to the souls in Purgatory. Pay good attention to what I am saying, write My words down and hand them over to the concerned persons: Families doing the hour of atonement on Thursdays or Fridays will received the special grace of delivering from Purgatory, within eight days, one deceased member of their family after one single day of severe fasting.” [on bread and water] (24 September 1963)
JESUS: “Whoever fasts on Monday on bread and water while referring to the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary delivers the soul of a priest from Purgatory. Also, he who follows that prescription will receive the grace, during the octave following his death, to be delivered from Purgatory by My Mother”.
MARY (added later): “For all those who observe absolute fasting regularly on Monday, they can cease it at 6.00 p.m. But instead, they must pray on the same day a five-decade Rosary for the souls in Purgatory.”
MARY: “The priests who observe the fasting on Monday release during each Holy Mass they celebrate during that week, at the moment of consecration, innumerable souls from Purgatory. The religious and the laity who observe absolute fasting on Monday will deliver during that week, every time they receive Communion and at the time they receive the Sacred Body of the Lord, a host of souls from Purgatory.” (August 15, 1980)
“You see, My daughter, when the Flame of Love of My Heart is inflamed upon the earth, its outpouring of graces flows out to the dying as well. Satan is blinded and with the help of your fervent prayers, Satan’s fight against the dying will cease. Under the serene beam of My Flame of Love, even the most hardened sinners are converted for I do not want any soul to be lost… Make sure that not a single minute goes by during the night without prayer. As long as there is someone awake and praying in honour of My Flame of Love, I promise you that not a single dying person in their surroundings will be damned. The more fervently you pray, the more thoroughly will Satan be blinded, and the dying soul will find renewed strength to decide wisely as to her future destiny.”
The FIRST All-Ireland Conference and LAUNCH of the Flame of Love Movement Ireland
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Movement ‘officially launched’ at our first All-Ireland Conference on 7 May 2022 in Newry, N. Ireland.
This was the first time that devotees who had been praying together during COVID lockdowns throughout the preceding year were able to meet face-to-face after Paul Ogelsby first introduced Virtual Cenacles to Ireland (with help from the USA and Canadian Movements and John Sullivan III, The International Director of Communication and Dissemination – who many may recognise from The Flame of Love training videos).
The Conference was organised by a small volunteer working group and John Sullivan – who travelled to Ireland from his home in the USA fir this official launch. The first National Director, Kielty Oberlin, and the whole leadership team was announced at the Conference in Newry. (Geraldine Halton, Secretary; Joe Sheehan, Treasurer; Frances Devaney, Spokesperson and Eileen Boden, Spokesperson). Others who were part of the working group included; Marie B Kelly, Dymphna Largey and Alice Gibson.
Since that time, the working group has continued to heed Our Lady’s call to spread her Flame far and wide. We are in the process of establishing the Flame of Love Movement as an Irish Charity and coordinating more efficient communication with all who are interested in learning more about the Flame of Love (this website is one of these methods). We are also making sure to build a database of all interested in hearing about latest developments (Including: our upcoming Formation Retreats, Thursday Global Reparation Hours, introducing New Cenacles through email, social media and a newsletter). Please fill out our contact form so that you are sure to hear about what is happening within the Flame of Love Movement in Ireland and beyond! Please let us know if you have begun an in-person Flame of Love Prayer Cenacle (or would like to) and we are grateful to help.

Explaining the UNITY PRAYER
Jesus taught Elizabeth The Unity Prayer. It includes every aspect of the human person (our thoughts, our feelings and actions). It expresses Jesus’ desire that we allow Him to live in us completely – in every moment of every day. True spirituality is not just trying to do God’s will, but allowing Jesus, living in you by grace, to do God’s will. Following the way of life described in the the Flame of Love and the Unity Prayer, quickly moves one to deep union with Jesus as we literally participate in His life by allowing Him in ours.
ELIZABETH shared in her Diary:
“Then the sweet Redeemer asked me to pray with Him the prayer that expresses His deepest desires: I made this prayer completely mine. The Lord meditated on it many times with me, asserting that these are His eternal longings. He taught me this prayer, so that I would in turn teach it to others. With all our strength and mind, let us make our own His eternal thoughts and burning desires.”
JESUS said about this prayer:
JESUS: “This prayer is an instrument in your hands. By collaborating with Me, Satan will be blinded by it; and because of his blindness, souls will not be led into sin.”
JESUS: “Through this prayer, Satan will be blind and souls will not be led into sin. ( p.25 )
The LORD explained: “Satan being blind signifies a worldwide triumph of my Sacred Heart, the freedom of souls and a full opening of the road of salvation.” (p. 87)
It is by the virtue of the great outpouring of grace in the Flame of Love movement, that it is a rocket ride to sanctity. This prayer is a shortcut. It reveals at the beginning, what many saints only discovered at the end. Jesus wants the joy of obeying His Father again. He asks you to allow him this gift.
If you would like to download the PDF Irish Flame of Love UNITY PRAYER CARD to print and distribute, you are welcome to do so.
We encourage everyone to read The Spiritual Diary of Elizabeth Kindelmann. You may obtain a copy from,, Book Depository. However, in the meantime, you may read a copy of the Abridged Version on the Flame of Love Movement, IRELAND’s Website HERE.